For every family that has been wondering what other parents may be going through with their own families today here is a look at my morning so far. I wake up at 5:30 a.m. I get a cup of coffee and sit down to do a devotional and get a language lesson in for myself. I call this "MY TIME". The cat jumps up and sits on the chair next to me as I am just about to open this computer and start my study. Thats clue one that something is going sideways already. The cat is my 8yr old daughters who had her door shut five minutes ago and it also means that soon the demands to assist will begin and my alone morning wake up time is now over. I Was given the name Mom and so let me start with my introduction. 


My name is Anne. Iam in my 40 and my Husband name is Will who is 55yrs old. We are not that young but were able. My son is Tyler age 10 and my daughter is Little Anne she is 8yr old almost 9.  Will gets up early to be at work by 5:30 a.m. He is a General Manager. I am a stay-at-home Mom and only somewhat by choice you will understand later. My son was diagnosed with having autism in preschool. I had long suspected that something was wrong and had him checked when he was around 3/12 yrs. old. The first results were a delay. Fast forward to 4 1/2 years old and preschool. My son's teacher met me after class and said Tyler was behaving in an unusual manner. he would spin and not get sick isolate and want to be left alone. it was 3 months of visits with behavior health psychologist when we got an autistic diagnosis. I wasn't shocked to be honest I knew in my heart something was not right. The first time Tyler played outside he stepped on a sticker while bare foot and he looked at me the sky sideways i know something was wrong. I told their dad "Hey something is wrong". I then assumed it was a sticker and it was. clue #1.

So, we got a Diagnosis and then what? We cried laughed said OK and went on with the day. We didn't really start having problems until I was working full time and dad was working full time and other people had to watch our kids. It was like a revolving door of babysitters. Cousins, Friends, and coworkers only people we knew and could trust. We thought. I didn't find out until recently that they were very bad babysitters and didn't understand my kids at all. One babysitter was mean and told them don't touch fire or he would burn them. (ideogram) Then another person said," it was raining cats and dogs"!!(not literally) Another said, "if you touch that your hands will fall off". I get some of you are laughing but kids with autism don't understand this and its very true for them. They believe it as fact. 

so what happened this morning you ask. well, my daughter demands food due to starving to death while in her blanket before she opens her eyes. my dog and cat need out son has not made it awake just yet. Sister gets her breakfast by stating "I'm starving" which means MOM get it for me because I am not moving from this spot. she follows it up with." You never feed me"! as I have her bowl in front of her and am about to pour the cereal. Then finally I can pour the milk. Not Once did she ask for breakfast. she has something associated with autism called PDA. Which stands for Pathological Demand Avoidance.  





Thank you for reading todays Rant. God Bless you and keep you safe. I have 2 rules. 1 breath 2. be kind to yourself your doing the best you can.


Anne Goehler




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