A Day 

My day begins with two sleepy kiddos. My son is usually the first grump. He says, "it's too cold". It's always too cold for him no matter what he has on or if the heater is on. So, he adventures out of his room with a King-sized plush blanket dragging it as he makes his way to the table. He then starts with "I want coffee"! Then his sister makes a sound, and he is upset. Sister stumbles to the table and wants to have a conversation about whatever is on her mind at the time no matter what it is. Brother gets mad that Shes talking and now I have to step in. I say, "Your sister has the right to speak and breath and exist in the same space as you calm down get up make your coffee if you don't want to talk to her then say I am not here leaving a message and go to your room until you have a better attitude"!  Yes, it is usually all in one breath no break in there at all. Sister is all upset because how brother is always mean to her. We talk about it, and she seems fine. it's around 5:30 a.m. School don't start until 8am. we have some time.

They make cereal for breakfast unless one request pancakes or oatmeal then Mom is not cooking as it will be wasted, or I will be the one that ruined someone's life. Over dramatic as the case may be its true. None should be talking to anyone at this point, yet a sound is made that irritated my son and hell breaks loose at the table between the two. Referee again this morning. "

After Breakfast we get to watch a little tv or listen to the radio whatever will get us in a better place for school. Sister insists on "Bluey" brother says, No.! I hate that show! Now we search for a compromise and settle on "PJ MASK. ok Finally a little piece a quiet mind you I have not had a cup of coffee, nor have I done my morning ritual of bathroom time.

After 45 minutes it's time to start getting ready as 8 will be here faster than you think. My son gets his morning pill around 7:20 a.m. and now has the task of getting ready for school. Next round of arguing starts, "It takes too long mom! I am tired of wasting my time getting dressed for school! come on man"! Followed by slamming of doors. Then get dressed the night before son we got to get ready and go. I spoke. Then sister is still sitting at the table and has not stopped watching tv or playing with her cat. Come on sis I remind her the clock is counting down we got to get ready.  I speak. Then its I am sick today I can't go. Then I hate school! I hate this and that. Slam slam slam. Then ok mom and she gets ready for school finally.

Clothes on now time to brush hair, brush teeth, put on deodorant, check for socks, where is the back packs, water bottles are all set, and away..nope! Forgot a sweater, forgot a water bottle, cat has to go back inside the house where is the keys. Give me 5 minutes guys I need to brush my hair and put shoes on I say. Yes, In the mist of getting the kids all they need for the day I have forgotten to get myself ready it happens.

I take the kids to school and pray that I don't get a call from the school about any offenses one of them has caused today. While they are at school, I have 3 hr. and 45 minutes until my son is off school why because his IEP and behavior means that he goes for a half day which really needs to change because mom needs to work, and I am not ok with not moving. I am 44 people that means my body is getting tired by the second. no time for a nap. Pick up stuff for dinner and make it back home to prep something. make sure to pick up sons pills as well. I hate this store. moving on. I make it home and clean and prep. For myself today I am learning a little Spanish and getting in me some bible time. It's around 10am for me. First, I need to eat something and call mom.  now its 10:45 am. My son will be home in 1 hour really!!

make sure the controllers are charged for the game and the internet is working. See if he has a snack, he will eat that's healthy and his spaghetti o.  Ok were good. Clean his room really quick. 11am now.  Ok all good let cat and dog out. Now wait for son to get home its 1140: wait what! where did my day just go? This is nuts. I have no time for myself. I will fix that. moving on. There is son coming down the road. Love that we live 3 blocks from the school, and he has decided he wanted to be a big boy and walk.  He looks happy. Hés almost home. Finally. Hello, my son how was school today. Good! yeah. Good! can I eat. yes, sir you know what's in there. ok. Can I play the game mom! after you eat and clean up after yourself. ok. thanks mom. The entire time I'm waiting for the shoe to drop. Score nothing bad.

phew. he's gaming at 12 noon, and I am cleaning the house, reading the bible and getting my Spanish lesson in. I check on him about an hour in his game all good. Yes mom. Something to drink? non mom. bathroom break I don't need to go. 5 minutes later runs to the bathroom.  it's around 1:30 pm now and he's still playing his game. Yeah. sorry not sorry. It means I had not fought or argued about anything this is a good day. I start making dinner around 4pm so we can eat about 5 pm. my husband picks up my daughter around 3"30pm and they make it home about 3:45pm. Can I go play outside they both say.  yes.

The night events go more like a lot of fighting if they play together and a lot of re directing and trying to prevent meltdowns. I don't hover when they play as we have an enclosed fence. not to say I am not looking to see who what when where just not so much these days. All my neighbors know that my kids are autistic, so they know what to look for and yeah, this community gives me feedback.  I see the kids leaving the yard this evening yes i caught them they are grounded. Thank you, neighbors. The worst time is usually on the weekends and that's because they don't have a routine yet. They just want to play. by weekend I mean Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!!  

So, this is just one day in our lives. it is not perfect, but we all survived the day, and no one went to bed angry.

Thank you, God, for another beautiful day in this neighborhood. Be kind to each other remember to breath. God Bless y'all.


Anne Goehler