The Holidays and the Kiddos!!

What the holidays looked like!! I expected a little backlash as the holidays are an unexpected for the kids. Did we get something we wanted? Will we have fun? Are other kids going to be there? All good questions. From a parent standpoint the questions are more are the kids going to be on their best behavior? Are people going to understand that my kids are not going to be treated in an old fashion manner? Will everyone have fun and be respectful? I am happy to report that this year was an awesome Christmas and Thanksgiving for the kids. They were on their best behavior. The did listen to older relatives. The were very excited with all the festivities. I could not have been more thrilled to have such a relaxing time with family. They are welcoming, caring, and sweet to say the least. All was great. We ended up staying a a hotel room after Christmas and that's when the drama happened.


      Meltdown Central!! The room had two queen beds but no roll away or 3 bed for my son. sharing is not ok as they are kids. Who likes to share? It progressed to no tub "I hate showers", to let's scream for no reason. I understand that they were both over stimulated and had no way to download and relax like we could. We ended up cancelling the luncheon we had planned and got the kids home to their own beds. The drive itself is not usually so bad but this time it was screaming, yelling and let me out on our three-hour trek home. Devices that usually offer a distraction didn't matter. It was issue after issue. I'm burning up, I'm frozen, I'm tired, I'm thirsty. so on.  I get it! I am prepared usually to get them what's needed and respond in a way that won't make anyone screech but man I was boiling mad at this point. I was yelling. STOP IT! Everyone needs a time out. I wasn't kidding. we all had been so over stimulated that I had nothing nice to give back. I just needed the noise to stop. 


We all made it home safe but man it took a few days for any of us to be able to calmly talk to each other in a nice way. In this instance I myself was not prepared to help my kids because I realized I never helped myself first. If I can't get to a point of relaxation for myself then how can I expect them to relax. So, the next few weeks I had taken the time for myself to figure out what I needed. What was a healthier plan for mom and my time. I found it. I started My own business. Why not! It's time for changes for myself. It's a small thing for me but I am excited to have something that feels like it's my own. Yes, I need my own things to. It's not selfish as a parent to crave something for themselves and have some dreams to follow. This is also why I haven't posted in a while as I need to follow this new adventure. 


Take care of yourselves God bless and talk again soon.


Anne Goehler