Super Duper! Spider Kiddos!

You have heard it before that kids are quick. Thats because they don't make much noise when they are little and getting into things. I think it's because they don't want to be caught. I will never forget waking up to find my kids had turned in to spider monkeys and had gotten on top of the counter. They wanted the stuff inside the cabinet we had taken away the previous day. (Don't yell) as you will spook them, and they get the deer in headlights look and decide to jump! I don't know how but I managed to Fly from one end of a room to the other and in midflight catch my son and daughter who were jumping in opposite directions. I swear sometimes God gives us supernatural powers to run faster and reach farther epically when it comes to protecting our kiddos. When were in those moments it seems like forever. Its not I promise the time passes really quick and you look back and remember that it sucks you're not there anymore.


 when you're feeling like in that moment you cannot do this anymore and It will NEVER get easier It will. It does! You will also be the parent looking back saying wow. That was my kid and look at them now.! 

Remember to Breath! Be kind to yourself! You're doing a great job!!

Anne Goehler